
What We've Been Up To

In case we haven't talked in awhile and you just happen to be reading this blog for the first time, I should probably give you the lowdown on what's been going on with us lately.

Last summer we started thinking about starting a business and in November of 2007 we incorporated a business called The Emilee Grace Company. In March of 2008 we went live with our website after many months and hours of product sourcing and finding great products to sell. If you haven't already, stop by Emilee Grace and take a looksy. We sell some pretty neat products for the modern day mother and her baby. In the coming weeks we'll be adding some new goodies. But, you'll have to check out THIS blog to find out all of the Emilee Grace Buzz. :)

While I was waiting for our site to get ready, I started a review blog of mommy favorites. That is doing really well. I've "met" some really cool people and got some samples of some really cool stuff. That blog is called Modern Mama's Fabulous Favorites and you can get there by clicking HERE.

Oh, I started sewing when my laptop crashed. My new little hobby is coming along. I've done a few projects that have all turned out pretty crappy but I keep plugging away. Eventually I get the hang of it and hopefully by then I can make some cute items to add to our store.

Tim transfered back to his old station in Cortlandt, the one he started his job at 6 years ago (can you believe it's been that long?) after being in Somers for a year and a half. He's loving that. His 2nd day back he had to deal with a homicide which brought in more OT in on week than he had gotten the whole time at his former station. Yay God! Thanks for that little blessing. Not the homicide. The OT, silly. :)

As if his life is not busy enough, he joined our church softball team. He and Justin play on it and they're having a great time hanging with the guys. Tim plays first base (which is what I played high school - pretty cool) and Justin is in the outfield.

We still teach sunday school together at our church once a month. Every other Wednesday night Tim teaches the pre-youth class and I teach the preschoolers. We're happy to be used by God and are always praying about where He wants to use us next.
Justin's been keeping busy playing JV baseball at his school. That takes up a lot of his time (and mine, hello, I'm the taxi lol) but that will be winding down soon.
Emilee is ripping and raring to go ALL THE TIME! From the time she wakes up until the time she goes to sleep, she is pretty much bouncing off the walls. I will say though that she stops from time to time to do a puzzle, draw some pictures, play with play-doe and dance around with Gracie to her favorite CD, God is My Friend. The CD is bilingual and it has Christian children's songs on it. Her and Gracie like to hold hands (well, Emilee likes to hold Gracie's hand. Gracie is usually just the innocent bystander being dragged around against her will) and dance to the songs. I have to crack up when I see a little group of 3 holding hands (the 3rd "person" is one of their dolls - it's pretty hilarious). In September, things should calm down a bit here because Em will be starting pre-school. She's going to St. John's Lutheran where they call it Jr. Kindergarten.
Gracie is a ball of fire too. She a little more subdued than Emilee but she's a cryer. And a momma's girl. If I go out and leave her home with Tim or Justin, she cries at the window. Awww. We are teaching her how to count. She counts to 10 with us and occasionally we'll hear her counting to 5 all by herself. She is talking up a storm. And yelling at Buster, just like the rest of us. She'll be 2 in July.
We get the question a lot about whether or not we'll be having any more kids. Well, we lost baby #3 in November, at the end of my first trimester. That was very heartbreaking for us. Emilee still asks me sometimes if I have baby Jesus in my belly. lol She knew I had a baby in my belly and I had told her that the baby went to be with Jesus so she gets them sort of confused. We decided that we definitely want to try again but probably not until next year. We have some things we need to do first and I think it will be a lot easier once my firecrackers of little girls are in school.

Wow, so this is a book, huh? Kudos to anyone who makes it through til the end. :) Now, let me post some of my favorite pictures.

Okay, I just have to say that this picture is typical of what my life is like; Emilee climbing on top of something and Gracie along for the ride.

Recognize this guy? lol This is Tim in our church Easter production this year. He played the disciple, Matthew. Justin played John, The Beloved Disciple, but unfortunately I could not get a clear picture of him. :( Sorry, Just.

This is from Gracie's first Easter. I did the photo editing myself. Another little hobby I picked up last year. :)

Tim & Gracie at our annual block party.

This is Gracie the morning of her first birthday. She's already pooped and we didn't even have the party yet.

Justin trying to wrangle the girls for our Christmas 2007 picture. A typical sight anytime we need to get these 2 to focus for more than 2 seconds.

Hope you enjoyed our little update. Until next time...........

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