
{Sunday Reflections}

We had a cool little detour on the way to church this morning. About a mile or 2 from church we saw a man walking with his Bible. I recognized him to be a homeless man that one of our church members usually brings to church. We turned the car around and just as I thought, it was Leonard. I only know his name because we asked him when he got into our car. He told us where he was coming from which was probably a good 7 miles or so. And when we made mention that that was a long way to walk to church his response was, "I go wherever the Lord gives me the strength to go". That statement made my heart happy. I'm sure we were a blessing to Leonard by picking him up but he blessed me today.

Later on in the day I received this video clip from my old Mary Kay director, Jenni. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhCF8GN8rWI It's of her 10 year old daughter leading a worship song at church this morning. I absolutely love it when I see children grow up in the ways of the Lord. As a mom, it's my responsibility to train up my children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). It's been my prayer more and more these days to raise Godly children and set a Godly example to my girls. I'm so far from perfect and fleshly in many ways but my prayer is to be more like Jesus and for my girls to grow up to love the Lord with all their heart. At least my heart is in the right place. :)

Right after I listened to this video clip, it was time to put the girls to bed. Tim sat the girls down, had me find a worship song on Playlist.com and reminded them of what they learned in their Sunday school class this morning: be kind to your neighbor. Of course they were getting antsy and squirmy and acting like they had ants in their pants but when we played Jesus Lover of My Soul, we worshiped together as a family and the sweet peace and presence of God rested on us. I love these lyrics:

I love you, I need you

Though my world may fall
I'll never let you go
My Savior, My closest friend
I will worship You
Until the very end

No matter what we go through and though everything around us may seem to fall apart, as long as we hold close to Jesus, everything will be alright. I'm thankful for the Lover of My Soul today.


  1. Thanks, Diana! Loved your blog entry today. I'll lift a prayer for Leonard this morning, but I couldn't help think of Hebrews 13:2.

    Have a blessed day, my old friend. God will surely give the desires of your heart for your girls! He will honor your willing to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord!

  2. Great job. Shouldn't you be the queen, though??? Very nice. I'm trying to keep up w/ mine.

  3. Beautiful post Diana! How wonderful that God put you in the path of that man and you were able to help him. You are a great Mum with a wonderful heart for God.

    Love Collette xxx
